
Showing posts from February, 2023

January assessment learner response

WWW: Rayan, a fairly decent attempt during this film assessment. Good knowledge of vertical integration, how films are marketed. EBI: Although your response to the 20 marker Q6 is good. You need to comment more on how the 2 films marketed themselves and that benefitted or limited their success. Write down the mark you achieved for each question: Q1:1/1 Q2:0/1 Q3:5/8 Q4: 2/2 Q5:2/2 Q6:10/20 2)Where you didn't achieve full marks, write WHY you think you missed out on the extra marks. Use the indicative content suggestions in the mark scheme to help with this. If you  got any media terminology wrong in the assessment you can make a note of it here. I missed out on 1 mark questions as i wasn't confident with media codes and the Stuart Hall's.   3) Look specifically at  question 3  - did you successfully write about both the  preferred  and  oppositional  readings? Did your answers match any in the mark scheme? Copy in one answer fr...

Industries: Ownership and Control. (unfinished)

1) Why did Facebook buy Instagram for $1bn in 2012?  Facebook may had bought Instagram to decrease the chances of Instagram overtaking Facebook's popularity in the media at that time and to dominate the industry by owning more of the content produced therefore making more money and allowing Facebook to keep their high status in the media. 2 ) What are the benefits for media companies of  vertical integration? The use of vertical integration in media companies allows conglomerate to have the chance to make more money at every stage of production as they own different companies in the same chain.  3)What are the benefits for media companies of  horizontal integration? Horizontal integration is when one company buys other companies at the same level of distribution. Therefore, it has many benefits such as it allows companies to widen their audience and cancels out their competition allowing companies to increase their profit.  4) What is a subsidiary? A subsid...