Demographics and Psychographics

1) What information do media companies use to create a demographic profile of their audience?     
   . Media companies use demographic classification such as social class,gender and age to identify and classify the audience.

2) Why are media companies and advertisers increasingly using audience profiling and not just demographics?
      . Advertisers are increasingly using audience profiling as their becoming less interested in social class classification. Media companies also now focus on the kind of brands the audience are interested in.

2) What psychographic groups fit YOUR own interests and lifestyle? Explain your decision and remember you may fit into two or three different groups.
. I possibly believe i could fit into a variety of psychographic groups. For example, 'The Succeeder' as i tend to set strong goals for myself to better as a person. I also see myself as 'The Aspirer' this is because i like too participate in trends and be up to date on new products.


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