Stranger Things Analysis.


In the first 8 minutes of Stranger Things the lighting varies. As in the opening the lights flicker in the first scene of the laboratory corridor, this shows the impending danger that is yet to come in the following scenes. During the rest of the opening of stranger things the use of the contrast that is also known as 'binary opposition'of light vs dark shows a safe setting when the lights are bright but also a sense of eeriness and danger when the lights are dim and flickering.


The neighbourhood setting helps to indicate the dark and dangerous experience that the fictional character is about to go through. It is clearly a build up of the science-fiction show as the neighbourhood has a sense of a historical past. The costume supports this with the character wearing baggy dark clothing maybe showing the character is not trying to stand out and might imply they want to be protected . It may further reinforces, they are trying to hide from what's to come.


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